On Monday night I went to bed at 8pm with a migraine, and woke up with it still {STILL!} on Tuesday morning.  I had to call out sick, which I don’t really like to do, but my head was pounding!  While I was sleepin’ the day away, my students were VERY productive.  So when I went in today, I had to strategically spread out what was left of the week’s work… and with our extra time we extended centers, and learned a great deal about Dental Heath.  But still, there was space to fill at the end of the day!

So what did we do?
We decided to start the forbidden birthday celebration early!
Don’t mind the big rectangle over that last sign… just trying to obey the rules 😉 

Got somethin’ to celebrate this week {or next}?  Maybe this will help!
Click on the pic to head to my TpT shop! 🙂
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