With 16 days of school ’til summer {yes, I might mention the countdown in each new post}, I am trying to squeeze in as many fun things as possible!  My sweet co-worker found a really cute and easy craft online, and today we decided to do it!
Don’t you just love it?!  I *think* the idea comes from a cereal website, but I really don’t know! Anywho, to make this simple craft you’ll need the following:

*2-3 big boxes of cereal {we used Trix, Fruit Loops, & Apple Jacks}
*Ziploc baggies {sandwich size}
*mini-mini or regular mini pom poms
*pipe cleaners, tiny googly eyes, & glue

First, choose your poms and glue them to the clothespin so that the head is on the smaller part that opens {I accidentally put the mini-minis upside down in the first pic}:
I glued the eyes to the head pom after I glued it to the clothespin; it was easier.

While that dries, fill your Ziploc about halfway with cereal, push out the air, and seal.  Separate the cereal in half inside the baggie, then use a pipe cleaner to twist-tie the baggie at the center, creating wings:
Curl the pipe cleaner to make cute antennae!

Then push the butterfly clothespin into the center of the baggie, from the bottom:
CUTE, right?!

We also worked on our summer kids last week {let’s just pretend it was June for the sake of this post}!  I think they turned out adorable!! And my kiddos did a fantastic job with their writing πŸ™‚  I couldn’t get a great pic but here’s a collage of the finished product:
If you’re still in school and looking for something fun to do, this craftivity is available in my TpT shop! πŸ™‚

Okay, I’m off!  Talk to you soon, my sweets!!

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