Happy 2013!!  May this year be a fabulous one!! 🙂

I’m linking up with Farley for the first Currently of the New Year:
To sum it up:  My little kitty Jack has it in for certain ornaments on our tree.  I have been in my bed for the better part of today– Love!  I go back to work tomorrow… I wish I had one more day in my bed!  My husband and I just ordered Dominos, so dinner will magically appear 🙂  I slept until 4 but I’m still TIRED!

And for my OLW:  Relax.  I worry too much.  I just want to relax and let things be.  And despite the fact that I slept ’til 4 today… I don’t relax enough during the school week.  I’m always on the go, and I get to bed WAY too late.  So I also want to work on that.

Speaking of things I want to work on or change… it’s time for a little resolution linky!
I’m linking up with my friend Jen over at The Teacher’s Cauldron.  She’s asked that we make a personal resolution, and a blogging resolution.  Here we go!

Personal:  The big one is RELAX, as seen in my OLW 🙂  But besides that, I want to spend more time enjoying family and friends.  I also want to take more pictures, like this one from last night:

Blogging:  I think I’ve been pretty good at reading and commenting on other blogs… but there’s always room for improvement!! I want to set aside time each day to blog stalk so I don’t miss out on any of your great ideas!!  I also want to be better at answering email.  Sometimes I read a message but don’t respond to it right away… and then it gets lost in my Inbox and I find it 10 days later, eek!  I promise to be better at that, so please, keep emailing me 🙂 I love to hear from you!!

What are YOUR New Year’s resolutions?!  I’d love to hear them 🙂
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