March means a new Currently has arrived… thanks again, Farley!

For the “3 words,” we are supposed to pick only *three* words that begin with the first letter of our last name.  And these words are supposed to describe us from the eyes of our students, friends, and family… in that order!  So I said that my students think I’m pretty {they always give the best compliments!!}, my friends think I’m pleasant {I’d like to think so lol}, and my family thinks I’m a princess {um… absolutely, ha!}.

Don’t miss out, link up now!

I’m going to start working on my next craftivity ASAP!  What are you hoping it is???  🙂  Is there anything you wish I’d make {not necessarily holiday related}?  I’d love to know!

And don’t forget to enter my $25 giveaway for reaching 800 followers!  There are already 253 entries, awesome! 🙂  You have until 8pm Wednesday to enter!
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