I just wanted to pop in and say hello and THANK YOU for all of your kind words and support about my Grandpa.  I loved to read your heartfelt comments.  They really made me feel better 🙂  It’s been a rough couple of days, but we made it through.

I’ve missed my kiddies so much this week!  We had a field trip planned to a new dinosaur exhibit on Wednesday… I obviously couldn’t go, but I’m glad to say my little ones went, enjoyed it, and all made it back!  I’m excited to see them on Monday, and hear all about it!

Here and there I’ve been working on some new things.  I hope to have my newest craftivity posted on Sunday.  It’s a project for back to school!

Once school is out, I will be able to work all day, every day on the ideas I have floating around in my head!!  Okay, “all day, every day” is a slight exaggeration… I will be doing plenty of sleeping, shopping, and tanning over summer vacation, too.  🙂

I’m going to catch up on some blog stalking right now!  I’ll leave you with this, since so many of you are out of school already:
My Kindergarten graduation day photo 😉
Props to my mom on the cute dress choice!!
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