Hi everyone!  Happy Wednesday!

I hope you’re feeling better than me– I’ve been battling a cold 🙁  I hate to take sick days, but I needed to use one today.   I’ve actually been sleeping for almost 24 hours.  I woke up long enough to bring you this post, shower, and eat… then it’s probably back to bed for this girl 🙂

Anyway enough about that!  I wanted to share a little Elf Magic with you!
I know it’s a little early, but you know me– impatient as can be!  Plus, I’m READY for Christmas!!!  elf magic {craftivities & printables} includes three craft options, creative writing pages, and more!

Let’s take a little photo tour:
Elf feet!
Half elves!
Whole elves!

There are lots of fun activities included {here are a few}:
Plus I included activities for The Elf on the Shelf… for those of you who use that little guy:
To grab your own copy, or to learn more, just head to my TpT shop!
I hope you love it!!

You know the drill– leave me a little comment love {with your email} and I’ll pick a winner later! 🙂
Congrats to #17, Miss Sara! 🙂

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