August is here, so that means it’s time for another Currently:
Here’s a more elaborate version, in case you wanted one, lol:

*I do “keep up” with the Kardashians… it’s just too entertaining!  Even my husband watches!  But he swears he doesn’t like it, hahah 😉

*I had a very special guest at my house this weekend {hence my lack of blogging}!  Hadar, aka my bloggy bestie, came to NJ and spent the weekend!!  We went to a meet-up in NY, we shopped, we crafted… it was so much fun!!! Pictures to come soon 🙂

*I woke up with a sore throat yesterday, yuck.

*I can’t wait to get into my classroom next week!!  I’ll be in a new room and I have so, so much to do.  I’m jelly of those of you who have been in your rooms this whole time, or who are already done!

*I just replaced a bunch of “work pants” but I still need new shirts, dresses, shoes… My favorite go-to for work clothes is Express, and I always have a ton of coupons for money off.  I also really like Guess, but their stuff is always full price.  Womp.

*The last spot on this month’s Currently is dedicated to our back to school must haves.  A first day look is definitely on my list and consists of a new haircut, a fresh mani/pedi, and a pretty dress!  A colorful and complete classroom is an obvious necessity.  Last but not least are plans!   Plans are always important, but what you do on the first day and in the first week can really shape your year as far as procedures, routines, behavior, etc.

Be sure to link up with Farley for the month of August!  I’ll see you tomorrow for this week’s Monday Made It!
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