I said I’d be back today with a new craftivity, and here I am!
It felt good to work on it 🙂
This craftivity doubles as a back to school activity, and a lesson on bus safety:
*back to school bus craftivity {and a safety lesson, too!}* on TpT & TN

On the left, the writing prompt says, “On the Road to Learning.”  On the right, the writing prompt says, “ABC’s of Bus Safety!”  These are only two of many options included in this 46 page pack!!  Once I got started, I just couldn’t stop! 🙂

There is so much more to see!  Here is a preview picture:
And here’s a list of what’s inside:
options included for each are in ( )

*On the Road to a Great Year
-bulletin board poster
-full page prompt (color, b&w, primary, secondary)
-half page prompt (color, b&w, primary, secondary)

*On the Road to Learning
-bulletin board poster
-full page prompt (color, b&w, primary, secondary)
-half page prompt (color, b&w, primary, secondary)

*Bus Safety Lesson
-“ABC’s of Bus Safety” poster
-“Bus Safety” poem poster
-“Bus Safety Rules” prompt, full page (b&w, primary, secondary)
-“Staying Safe on the Bus” prompt, half page (color, b&w, primary, secondary)

*How Do You Get to School?
-write & draw prompt, full page (b&w, primary, secondary)
-class survey
-bus tags (color, b&w)
-word search

Some more pictures:
You can find this new pack in my TpT shop, and TN too!

As always, please let me know what you think!! I hope you love it! 🙂
Psst… First person to comment will get it free!
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