The snow is really coming down outside!  I think we could get anywhere between 12-18″… the biggest snowfall of this season.  Because of the blizzard we had a 1:00 dismissal, and eight of my students were absent.  I didn’t want to test or start anything new with that many kiddos out, so I made it a fun half-day for the 13 that came to school… and now I’m curled up on the couch in my jammies, catching up on The Young & the Restless 🙂

Anywho!  This week we completed a direct drawing activity!  Take a look:
I love how each of the drawings has its own personality!
And here is my example:
I think my littles did a great job!!  🙂

And completely unrelated to bees or school… I just saw a commercial for The Walking Dead.  It’s back on Sunday!!!  Who’s excited?!?  ME!!

Ahem… 🙂  Have a great weekend, and stay safe in the snow!
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