I’m excited to join in on the #TpTSellersChallenge!  It’s just the kick in the *ahem* butt that I need to get motivated!  This week’s challenge was to revamp a product or a product’s cover.   Well, I kind of did both!

Each year I update my behavior calendars {editable and non-editable} for the coming school year.  I updated the actual calendars a few weeks ago, but I was lazy and left the same old, plain covers.  Then along came Makeover Madness!  Take a look at the update:

 Oh my gosh, SO much better!  The colors and fonts are so much more eye-catching {my husband said the old covers looked like “Christmas”}, and I love the addition of the girl! She is from the “Good Choices” pack by Whimsy Clips— how perfect for a behavior calendar cover?!

Here are some close-ups of the new covers, as well as sample calendars:
The calendars are still the same design that you love, but of course the dates are updated for the 15-16 school year!  In the EDITABLE version above, you can type in whatever you want, wherever you want– just add a text box!  Some great ideas are behavior codes, reminders, holidays, special events, and days off.
There is also a NON-EDITABLE version with the behavior codes I use already included:
Whichever version you choose, these calendars are really awesome for parent-teacher communication.  I’ve been using them in my classroom for YEARS, and they make daily communication quick and easy!  And the best part: parents are not only informed of poor behavior.  Kiddos color the calendars EVERYDAY, so if they clipped UP a clip chart, the calendar will show that, too!

Now that you’ve seen my makeover… as part of the challenge, I am also offering a 20% discount on both sets {editable and non-editable} through Sunday!  And remember, if you already OWN one of the packs, you can DL the updates for FREE! 🙂

It’s not too late to join in on the challenge!  Head here for more information!

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