BTS14… Are You Ready?
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Hi, everyone! Isn’t it the happiest of Tuesdays? 🙂 If it’s even Tuesday… Summer will do that to ya! I’m stoppin’ in today to talk a little more about my…
Elf Magic is back!!! Did you know it was missing?! Long story short, after the holidays last year I was asked to deactivate this product until I could edit it…
Did you see, did you see, did you see?! A Cupcake for the Teacher and all the gals over at Freebielicious have teamed up with Educents to create this amazing…
I know what you’re thinking. “This cupcake is cuckoo for cocoa puffs!” I promise you, I am not! I can’t get into my classroom for another couple weeks, so instead…
Hello, Cupcakes! I hope everyone had a great start to the week! I’m dropping by today to share a new project with you! My new series, Just Print It, will…
Please forgive me, but this post is going to be quick… I am EXHAUSTED! Hopefully you can use the following tip… which actually has to do with losing pencils, not…
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