Hi, Cupcakes!  I hope everyone had a great weekend!  I spent a lot of time with family, which is always a good time!  When I wasn’t with my folks, I was workin’ hard on a new little pack 🙂 

Several months ago, I posted about using a compliment jar as an incentive in my classroom.  After the post, I got a bunch of requests for the template… So, I asked my sweet friend Maribel if I could turn her Cricut creation into a pack for you all, and she said yes!  Woohoo, and THANK YOU, sweet, sweet girl!

In this little ditty, I included templates to make your own whole group Compliment Jar.  The idea is, kiddos need to earn compliments from you or other teachers/administrators/adults in the building for their excellent behavior.  For each compliment received, a star goes in the jar.  Once 12 star compliments are earned, the class gets a prize of some sort!
I also included templates to make smaller jars for table group incentives.  Tables must earn 5 star compliments in order to get a reward:

You can use the small jars to create a little craftivity {yay!} to get your kiddos thinkin’ about how to earn those compliments!

Aaand, I thought I’d make a poster to display as a reminder for our little friends!
If you’re not feeling what I wrote, I also included a blank one that you can write on 🙂

If you’re interested in this idea, or want to learn more, then head on over to my TpT shop to grab your copy!!

Please give a BIG thanks to my pal Maribel by following her blog!!
Did you follow?  If so, leave a comment below with your email address for a chance to win a copy! 🙂  Winners will be announced before bed tonight!  Congrats to #33 Jen and #24 Stacy!  Emailed you! 🙂

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