Phew, what a week!  I felt like I was constantly moving, both at school *and* at home… hence why I haven’t blogged since Monday!  I hate to let my baby go days without attention!

But I am here now, with some Five for Friday fun… Insta-Style!  I must be honest, two of the five pictures aren’t from this week, but that’s okay, right?!

#impulseshopper #teacherhoarder #teacherlife
Only a teacher would stop in at Target and get completely distracted by the dollar spot!  30 pairs of sunglasses later…

#dressdownday #davidandgoliath #giraffes #flipflops
I love dress down day!  Especially when it’s warm enough to wear flip flops and show off my neon pedi! 😉

#pandora #coach #teacherstyle #sharewhatchawear
Lately I’ve been into layering on my wrist!  I love to wear my new wrap-around watch from Coach {thank you mom & dad for the birthday gift card back in October!} with my Pandora bling… and of course, an evil eye bracelet inspired by one of my littles!

#flowerfriends #firstgradeparade #craftivity
This pic isn’t from this week, but I don’t think I ever shared it!  We made Cara’s flower friends during our plant unit a couple Fridays ago.  I am in love with them!!

#diy #firepit #iactuallyhelped
A couple weeks ago my hubby & I decided we needed a fire pit in the yard, so we spent hours at Lowes deliberating, and more hours in the yard digging {I HELPED}, and this is the end result!  I love it!!

Link up or check out others who have!! 🙂
Have a great weekend!!
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