My little firsties just *love* our reference boards.  I always catch them peeking at the various charts and posters scattered around the room… whether it’s to spell a word, remember a part of a plant, or pick an adjective to use in their writing.  That makes this teacher so happy!  I decided that I wanted to create a set of language posters for my kiddos to use, so I got to work on a new starter kit!

YAY!  One of my favorite things about this kit is how PORTABLE it can be!  I don’t have a lot of bulletin board space in my room, so having the tri-fold option is clutch:

Or, the posters can easily be used in a reference binder!  Just slip the posters into sheet protectors, pop ’em in a pretty binder, and leave it out for kiddos to grab when needed!:

Of course if you have the space, the posters would make a great bulletin board, too!

Here’s a closer look at the *22* skills posters included:

sentences, word order, statements, questions, exclamations, nouns, plural nouns, irregular plural nouns, proper nouns, pronouns, verbs, present tense verbs, past tense verbs, contractions, adjectives, adjectives that compare, synonyms, antonyms, subjects, predicates, conjunctions, adverbs

I also included a language practice sheet for each skill!  When necessary, I included two copies: one with primary lines, and another with secondary lines.  Here’s a preview:

There you have it!  I hope you LOVE this starter kit!  To grab your set, or to read more, head over to my TpT shop!

Also, I am joining the  TpT {Hearts} Teachers sale this week!!

ALL of the products in my little store will be discounted 20% this Tuesday and Wednesday!  Enter code TPTXO at checkout to receive an additional 10% off your purchase!

Now what are you waiting for?!… Go fill up your carts!!! 😉
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