Happy Memorial Day!  I hope everyone had a GREAT three day weekend!

Mine started out good with a little game night…  and took a turn for the worst when I came down with a bug on Sunday 🙁  I was stuck in bed aaaall day, womp womp!  On the bright side, I did watch 10 out of 20 DVR’d episodes of The Young & the Restless.  Hah!

Anyway, enough of that nonsense!
On Friday, my kiddos and I had a little fun with paint!
Even I got my hands dirty!

We made flags with our handprints for Memorial Day!

To make these flags, here’s what you’ll need:
*red, white, & blue paint
*three foam brushes
*giant popsicle sticks
*silver star stickers
*red & white ribbon
*single hole punch & scissors {not shown}
*blue construction paper {not shown}

Paint your kiddos’ hands like I painted mine above, and press down on precut pieces of blue construction paper.  While the handprints are drying, glue the popsicle sticks under the paper.  Punch a hole in the top left corner and loop & tie red and white ribbon through the hole.  Once the handprints are dry, have your little ones place silver stickers on the blue palm print!
And there you have it!  The cutest Memorial Day flags!

This idea comes from one that I pinned the other day.
Follow the pin for the original post:

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