Healthy Smiles {Math & Lit Centers for Dental Health Month!}
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Congrats #4, Lauren E!
Last year, my husband and I started our own family tradition of decorating for Christmas the day after Thanksgiving. I seriously can’t wait to get my house ready for the…
Are you already thinking about next school year? I’m not! Hehehe 🙂 But, I know many of you are getting a head start, prepping and running off copies, so I updated…
Yesterday was the judging of the pumpkin contest, and today they announced the winners {talk about suspense!}. We thought it was one winner per grade level, but then we found…
When I saw Jennifer’s Cruisin’ to Summer craft, I knew I had to fit it into my plans… and fit it in, I did! 🙂 I think they turned out…
Mother’s Day is drawing near, so I wanted to repost the sweet craft I created last year! Do you remember this? It’s a Mother’s Day ice cream cone! These delicious…
Hey everyone! I’m happy to be guest blogging for Mrs. Cupcake while she is on vacation! I’m so happy and distracted about it that I can’t think of anything to…
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