Happy Sunday evening {is there a such thing??} everyone!  I got such a great response to my rainbow treasure hunt {printable clues} pack, that I decided to make another one for spring!  I know that Easter can be a touchy subject, but who objects to bunnies in general??  My new hunt is an egg hunt, and I call it hippity hoppin’ hunt {printable clues}!  It’s available for FREE on TpT!  Take a look:

Roll the clues up {six in all}, pop them inside plastic eggs, and hide them around your classroom:
You’ll get the six clues, a “Hippity Hoppin’ Hunt” starting card, and a “Hip, Hip, Hooray!” card for you to include with a basket of prizes!  I also made a little matching tag that you can use to label your rewards!
Simply cut it out around the blue line, fold in half horizonally, and staple to a snack size baggie of marshmallow bunny peeps, bunny mallows, jellybeans… etc.
Put the gifties into a cute basket and hide it in the appropriate spot!

Grab your free copy of hippity hoppin’ hunt {printable clues} on TpT 🙂

Please let me know what you think!

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