My littles know that I take my crafting seriously.  I have specific crafting rules:  No loud voices, only whispering.  No walking around the room, especially with scissors.   No jumping ahead… we do everything together.  Only throw out scraps when all pieces are cut out.  Don’t lose any pieces because I don’t have extra {which is a lie, because I always make extra, because they always break this rule, haha}.

I’ve read that some teachers trace and cut out all the pieces.  I don’t have time for that, and I think my hand would hurt too much!  So I just trace all the parts beforehand, and they cut them out.  But they can’t start cutting until everyone has every single piece.  And no one starts to glue until everyone is done cutting {unless I say so… lol}.

I always make one sample in advance, and I usually make two along with the class, just in case someone misses a step.  I like this because then I have one to keep with my patterns, one to hang up, and one to give my mom… she loves when I bring home a new craft for her fridge!  It’s like *I’m* in 2nd grade 🙂

Today, we worked on my football buddy craftivity!  I started the day by taking a class survey.  We are from NJ, so of course I knew how this vote was going to go:
I find that my kiddos always try to change their answers when they hear what others have to say, so I gave each student a post-it to write a “secret” vote {who else LOVES post-its?!}.  Then we tallied the votes:
As I said, I did this survey in the morning.  Then I spent my prep period tracing the pieces according to their responses.  After we finished our LAL and Math work for the day, I gave myself what I thought was enough time to complete the activity…. but I was wrong!  We didn’t finish 🙁  Sooo not like me/us!  I promise to post completed pics tomorrow!

In other news, I went to AC Moore this evening and bought the stuff to create my Valentine gift for the Be My Valentine exchange!  It’s something *I* would enjoy, so I hope my secret Valentine enjoys it, too!  Sorry, I can’t share with you 🙂  Hopefully she will love it, and post about it when she gets it 🙂 🙂
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