If You Liked My Super Bowl Buddy….
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….Then you just might like her:
I hope you love my new buddies!! Please leave me somethin’ sweet in the comments!!
….Then you just might like her:
I hope you love my new buddies!! Please leave me somethin’ sweet in the comments!!
Deedee at Mrs. Wills Kindergarten is having a Linky Party to support a great cause. It’s all about helping fellow teachers and their students, in a time of need. Click on the heart…
I *finally* got to meet my new bunch of firsties on Thursday… and let me tell you, it didn’t take long for me to fall in love! They sure are…
Are you already thinking about next school year? I’m not! Hehehe 🙂 But, I know many of you are getting a head start, prepping and running off copies, so I updated…
I’m so excited to be teaming up with my favorite freebie-friends for a BIG giveaway to help get you going this school year! Over at the Freebielicious blog, we’re giving…
As the night goes on, I’m feeling better and better. I decided to show you what I made my littles for Valentine’s Day! I had heart shaped sharpeners that I…
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