Yup, you read it right:  I’m heading back to first grade this year!!!  And I am super, SUPER excited!!!!!

{Monday Made It!  I used a 16×20″ black photo mat, bulletin board border, and fun letters.}

In my five years as a teacher, I’ve taught sixth, first, first, second, and now first again!  I’ve switched grades {and rooms} four times…  I’m seriously a PRO at this!  hehe.  I’m hoping this grade/room is my permanent home as a teacher!  We’ll see! 🙂

Today was my first day in my new classroom.  Seeing it unorganized and undecorated was a little overwhelming!  The first day back always feels like that, doesn’t it?  I just spent three hours moving furniture around the room.  And then moving it again.  And maybe even once more after that. 😉

I snapped a couple pictures of how I left the room today:

I have a TON of work to do before September 4th.  I can’t wait to add color and organize and make it feel like home! 🙂  Be sure to check back with me over the next few weeks to see what I turn it into!!!
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