I was supposed to announce the winner of my Juicy lunch tote giveaway last night… but unfortunately, early Sunday morning I came down with a case of the flu 🙁  I was absolutely miserable all day Sunday until I finally fell asleep at around 8pm…. until 4pm Monday {needless to say, I called out sick}.  Yep, I slept for 20 hours straight!  Wowzers!  Now I’m better, but feeling weak, and hungry.  I’ll be making myself some toast and jelly after I hit “publish post.”

Anyway, I must announce the winner of the Juicy giveaway!

That’s Mrs. Wheeler, from Mrs. Wheeler’s First Grade Tidbits!  Congrats, girl!  Look for an email from me!

I’ll be back, hopefully tomorrow, with a post of substance.  Happy early Valentine’s Day, all!

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