I found this cutie Groundhog Day project on Pinterest and knew I had to recreate it:
Here’s my sample:
I used one of the writing papers from my groundhog day {printables} freebie.  I displayed the finished projects on the inside of my door/door frame.  Here’s an example from one of my sweeties:
I love the little picture she drew at the bottom 🙂

I also finished up my football buddy craftivity.  It was a day full of predictions!  I displayed these along the clothesline that stretches across my room:

I love how different they all turned out… even though my entire class {minus two} made Giants players.  They are “our” team, after all!

If you haven’t already checked it out, there is a rather large giveaway going on at Swimming into Second.  You could win 23 units!!!!  One from yours truly 🙂  If you win and already have what I’m offering, let me know and I’ll send you something else!!  Run {don’t walk} and enter now!!!
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