First, I just want to say THANK YOU to everyone who supported me during the big TpT sale. You all ROCK!!  I love reading & responding to all your feedback, too!! 🙂 🙂  Thank you again, sweet friends!!!

* * * * *

I am *exhausted* after a day FULL of learning and crafting!    All week I kept pushing off my Mother’s Day activities, thinking, “I have plenty of time!”  Then last night, I realized that we’ll be on a field trip Friday, and therefore only had TODAY to get everything done… on top of math, language arts, and the like!

The end result made my rushed day totally worth it, though…
Aren’t they just adorable?!  I found the idea {HERE}.
I wrote my kiddos’ names where you see the rectangles… I have to protect my babies 🙂

My hand was clearly too big to fit on the tile, but I wanted to make one for my own mom!  She loves this stuff 🙂  So I made flowers with my fingerprints instead:
I used Sharpie for the accents!

I know it’s too late to make these this year, but if you want to file the idea for next year, here’s what you’ll need:
*6×6 white tiles {45 cents each at Lowes}
*acrylic paint
*black Sharpie
*Mod Podge
*foam brushes
*felt sticky buttons

To make the tiles, follow these steps:
*Flip the tile over and place four felt sticky buttons in the corners {so the tile won’t scratch surfaces}, then flip over again.  *Write your message, kiddos’ names, & the year with black Sharpie.  Let the Sharpie set before you move to the next step.  *Paint your kiddos’ hands with a foam brush, position their hands over the tile, and press down carefully.  *Once the paint is dry, use a foam brush to apply a thin layer of Mod Podge {it’s important not to brush it too much because the paint will begin to curl… learned my lesson after the first one I did}.  *Let Mod Podge dry overnight, wrap the tiles, and send home to Mom!

Because I’m so last minute, I did all of these steps in one day {except I wrote the messages last night}.  First thing in the morning we did the handprints, and about two hours later after lunch, I put the Mod Podge over the tile.  Another three hours and they were dry enough to send home! 🙂

We also wrote letters to our moms, made some promises {“I promise to brush my hair everyday”}, and of course made our Mother’s Day ice cream cones!  They were a perfect tie-in to all the adjective learning we’ve been doing.
The kids ate it up!!  They thought the sprinkles were the best thing EVER.

One more thing before I go 🙂 I stopped in at CVS to grab Mother’s Day cards.  I found this one with a cute button inside, and I had to get it…
…For myself!  I’m not a mom yet, but hey, sometimes teacher’s need a time out too!!! 🙂  I’m off to have a little “time out” in front of my TV… I have soap operas to catch up on!

Have a great night!
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