Hello all!  I hope everyone had a good day at school today 🙂
I’m poppin’ in to share some of my teacher favorites…
the things I use {and LOVE} almost every day!

This first one shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone who follows my blog:
A hearty supply of construction paper!  There’s nothin’ like wanting to do a craft with your littles, and not having the right piece of paper for the job ::shudder!::  I always need a full stock of different colors on hand!  

My second must-have also has to do with crafting 😉
Craft punches!  I acquired all these punches while I was wedding planning.  I used the big ones for labels, and the smaller ones for confetti:
Now I use them for crafting with my kiddos!
{See all those perfect circles?!}

Another item I NEED:
B&BW mini hand sanitizers!!  I have one attached to each set of keys {classroom & home} and I have mini sanitizers in all my bags.  Even hubby has a bottle or two in his car {manly scents, of course}.

Then there are the markers:
Who doesn’t love a new, fresh Mr. Sketch marker?!

And the pens:
These PaperMate blue-ink pens are my absolute favorite pens!  I like the way they write {and make my handwriting look super-fab, haha}.

This next puppy is a favorite that I highly recommend:
A personal laminator!  It’s so nice to be able to laminate whenever I want.  I’ve actually been meaning to get a second one for my classroom!  I ordered this one using some of my Scholastic points.

And the last thing on my list of must-haves might be the best:
Chocolate!  I have a sweet tooth, so I do allow myself a piece of chocolate {or two} a day.  I don’t like coffee and I also don’t drink much soda… so for me, the chocolate is a pick-me-up!  And a delicious one at that!

So, what are YOUR teacher must-haves? 🙂
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