Hi friends!  I just got back from a weekend in New Hampshire!   I’ve been away from my computer since Friday {gasp!} so I’ll be covering three topics tonight 🙂  Bear with me!

Did you notice my new blog design?  LOVE!!  Alicia from Dreamlike Magic hooked me up with a super fabulous new look!  Are you drooling?? Because I have been since she installed it!  Hehe 🙂

Before I went away, I had a sweet customer request.  I was inspired right away, and was able to start and finish my new craftivity pack on Thursday night!  You may have seen it on TpT already:
native american kids {a craftivity} is a mini unit that would be perfect to complete a Thanksgiving or Native American theme!  It includes the patterns to make a Native American girl and boy:
 …half-page writing pages:
plus ABC order and word search sheets:
If you want to pick up a copy, head to my TpT shop!
Please let me know what you think!  I hope you love it! 🙂

And finally, onto my weekend in New Hampshire!  Have you heard of the Pumpkin Festival in Keene, NH?  Every year, the town tries to beat the record for the most Jack O’Lanterns.  I’ve been wanting to head up there for years, and we were finally able to go this year!  Here are some pics from my trip:
This is a HUGE tower of pumpkins!
Main Street was lined with pumpkins… they were everywhere!  I think there were almost 24,000 of them!
Matt and I near a covered bridge… there are tons of them in NH!  We also ended up going to Boston after the pumpkin festival due to a mix up at our hotel {long story}… it was a fun little getaway! 🙂  

Okay my sweets, if you made it all the way down here, be sure to leave a comment with your email address for a chance to win my new pack!  I’ll pick a winner tonight before I go to bed!
Congrats to #57, Teacher Syl!!  Emailed ya! 🙂
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