After three and a half years of teaching and crafting month after month, I’ve accumulated a lot of patterns… most of them my own, and some from the lovely bloggers out there 🙂  I used to keep my patterns in an accordian file box.  It worked well for like, a year, when I only had one or two patterns per month.  But I never stop creating… I’ve taught siblings back-to-back years, and this year I actually have some of my kids from last year, so I try to change things up.  After three and a half years of “changing things up,” I have a.TON. of craft patterns for each month.  The accordian file box just doesn’t cut it anymore, so I bought a bunch of these from the craft store:

They are Iris 12×12 storage containers.  I feel that they are the perfect size.  I currently use one box for two months of patterns {Sept. and Oct. share a box, etc.} but I will probably need to invest in more boxes one day, so I’ll have one per month.  Here is a look inside my Jan./Feb. box:

There are my President’s Day patterns! 🙂
To keep my patterns together, I use Zip Loc baggies.  I put my finished sample in the bag along with all the pieces, and then I write the name of the pattern on the label with Sharpie.  Love Sharpies!
I hope this post helps someone out there!  I am trying to stick to my OLW… organize!!!
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