At work, there are nine of us who eat lunch together just about everyday.  These gals are my close teacher friends– we all look so forward to that short 40 minute lunch!!  We talk, we laugh… and every year during the holidays, we add a little gift giving into the mix!

Since there are so many of us, we organize a Secret Santa gift exchange.  We use Elfster to randomly generate our Secret Santa recipient.  It’s great because you can mark who had who the year before so everyone gets someone different.  Then we each fill out this little form that I created, to aide in the gift buying process!

To keep it secret, everyone gets a copy of ALL the forms… it’s fun to see what everyone wished for!  And, we like to drop fake hints to throw our friends off our trail 😉

Since my girls and I are greedy like to give gifts so much {hehe}, we do mini exchanges during lunch for three weeks leading up to Christmas break.  We keep these gifts at $5-10 each.  Our last gift is the BIG one, and we set a limit of $50.  For the final exchange, we all get together for dinner!  It’s going to be SO much fun!!

It’s not too late to organize your own Secret Santa gift exchange!!  You can download the above form for FREE from my TpT shop!  If you grab it, be sure to leave some love!

Our first exchange is tomorrow… I’m so excited to see what my first gift is!! 😉
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