I just planned on going to the craft store for some sparkly pom poms, I swear.

Then I realized Target was nearby.

I actually didn’t find anything in the dollar section.  But I did find this:
Hello, Cupcake!  I don’t know what this is going to be used for, but it sure is delicious looking 🙂  I also got a Yoga mat.  I don’t do Yoga {should I?}, I do “crunches.”  And those marshmallows stuffed in the bucket are for school {more on that in another post}!

Then, I went to AC Moore.  Packs of cardstock were on sale for $2 each.  I grabbed 10 in assorted colors…. so I paid $20 for $50 worth of paper!!  I love a good deal!  I also picked up some oaktag for my pattern making.
And I did get those sparkly pom poms… the item that started this shopping spree!
Above the poms are mini paint cans.  I bought one for each of my five table groups.  The idea is to fill up the buckets with “sparklers,” or sparkly pom poms, and earn prizes as a group.  Groups can earn sparklers by packing up quietly, transitioning quickly and quietly, listening and working quietly {do you see a pattern here? lol}.  Groups must earn 8 sparklers for a reward.
I saw this idea floating around Pinterest, and it comes from Mrs. McHaffie of Beg Borrow Steal.  I didn’t beg for the idea, and since I’m linking back I suppose I’m not stealing the idea… I’m just borrowing it 😉  Thanks girl!  My kids are super excited about earning sparklers.  Ahh, it’s the little things.

Thanks for joining me on my shopping spree!  I’ll leave you with this funny Pinterest find:
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