Today I’m linking up with Lyndsey, to share what I’m thankful for!

{1} I am thankful for my husband {and best friend}, Matt:
We’ve been married for a little over a year, and we will celebrate our eight year anniversary the day after Thanksgiving!  Yikes, that’s a long time together! 🙂
Matt is funny, silly, loving, and supportive… he’s my favorite!

{2} I am thankful for my family:
That’s my daddy, me, Matt, my mom, and my brother, Stephen.  My family is seriously awesome!  They are my biggest supporters.  I can tell my parents anything!  My dad is hilarious and my mom is my shopping buddy 🙂  Stephen just turned 21 and he is one of my best friends, for real.  I moved only three minutes from home {literally, I timed it} so I can stop in whenever I want!!

{3} I am thankful for my friends:
Ashley and I refer to ourselves as sisters 🙂  We’ve been friends since 6th grade!  We live far apart {think: different countries}, but we always pick up where we left off.  When we’re together, all we do is LAUGH!
This is Juli… she’s my cousin, and best friend!  We like to get together for mani/pedis, chick flicks, and craft time 🙂
This lovely lady is my brother’s girlfriend, and one of my besties, Ari.  She is crazy {like me} and crazy funny, too!
I met these beauties {Keri and Michelle} through my job and they have become two of my best friends!  I really don’t know what I would do without them!

{4} I am thankful for my kittens:

Jack and Zoe are my babies!  I love them so much!  They are the coolest cats around, hands down 🙂

{5} I am thankful for my job:
Teaching IS greater than every.other.job.  I love what I do!!  Enough said!

{6} Last but not least, I am thankful for blogging and TpT!
I have learned so much through this adventure… I truly believe it’s made me a better teacher!  I’ve also had the opportunity to “meet” some amazing and amazingly talented people through this online world 🙂  I was lucky enough to meet Hadar in real life:
She and I live on opposite sides of the country, but we text  We throw ideas back and forth and pretty much talk about anything.  Love her!

That about wraps up my thankful post!  I hope you enjoyed the pics 🙂
I’m working on some fun things for December, so check back soon!!

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