Happy Weekend!
I’ve been lazing around all day… just how I like it 🙂

This week at school my kiddos and I spent our free time trying to put Halloween away and get ready for Thanksgiving.  I thought I’d share some pics!
The turkeys and the writing prompt are from my thankful turkeys {craftivity & printables} pack, if you’re interested in making them with your littles!  The pack also includes a bunch of fun Thanksgiving activities! 🙂

Most of our turkeys are hanging along a clothesline in my classroom, but I also put some of them on a bulletin board in the hall:
I’ve mentioned it before, but I share the bulletin board with one of my teaching besties, Michelle.  We always coordinate what we’re going to put up!  This time, we’re talkin’ turkey 🙂

I have a second clothesline in my room, so I made some quickie pilgrim hats to hang {I really can’t stand a bare classroom!!}:
My next project will be to decorate the walls outside my door.
We’re always busy in my room 😉

Now for the winners of the Gobblin’ Up Goodies Giveaway!
Prize Set #1: Marcie G.

Prize Set #2: Cherie K.

Prize Set #3: Amanda L.

Prize Set #4: Deanna S.

Girls, I will be emailing you shortly!
A big thank you to everyone who entered!!! 🙂
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