Hello, Cupcakes!  Happy Sunday!  I’m enjoying some down time on the couch… baby girl sleeping next to me, TV tuned into Bravo {which it is 95% of the time}, Macbook on my lap…

Last week I posted my newest product to TpT, but I didn’t make a fun preview or blog about it yet!  So I’m going to do that now 🙂  You may have seen this pop up in your TpT news:

This pack, Write It! {Seasonal Journals}, has everything you need to create seasonal journals for your kiddos!  Just a note:  I included BOTH Autumn and Fall options 🙂

There are 12 writing prompts for each season {48 total prompts}.  The prompts come in cut-apart card form, in both color and b&w, and would be perfect on a binder ring!

And the prompts also come as writing menus!  You can include the b&w version of the menu IN each student’s journal so your little ones can track their writing.  Another option: laminate the colorful version and leave it in a center!

Kiddos can respond to each writing prompt on coordinating stationary {the pictures match}!  I included two versions: handwriting lines and regular lines.

Of course, to make a journal you’ll need some cute covers, so I included those, too!

It’s 136 pages of writing fun!  To check out Write It! {Seasonal Journals}, head on over to my TpT shop!  To celebrate finally blogging about it, I am putting this pack on sale for the next 24 hours… 20% off! 🙂

I’d love to hear from you 🙂  I hope you love it!!  
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