Tomorrow is my first day with my new students, and I am SO excited!!!  I have a few things I need to do tonight {including straightening my hair, lol} so I’m just popping in to share a quick tip with you.

Actually, it’s not really a tip, but a little product that I think you should own 🙂

A paint can!
These little paint cans are sold in the craft store {in the gift wrap section}, and they have so many uses!  I have a bunch, and I use them for different things around the classroom… like the Kiss Your Brain can that you see above!

I also use one as a home for my Brain Breaks sticks:

And two more for Secret Star starbursts, and Sparklers!
Secret Star is a fun incentive to help students walk quietly in the halls {read more about it on Scholastic} and Sparklers are used as a table/group incentive {read more here}.

These cans are also perfect for holding school supplies, like pencil top erasers and binder clips!  And they come in more than one size!  If you ever see them, definitely pick a few up! 🙂

And now for Currently… Hello, September!!
I think everything on there is pretty much self-explanatory!  

Quick background on the favorites:
Sweet Cinnamon Pumpkin is!  It’s from Bath & Body Works.  I bought a bunch of plug-ins and put them all over my house, and I stocked up on candles, too.  Smells deee-lish!

I splurged a few weeks ago and bought a bunch of neon bins from Really Good Stuff.  They are so fabulous!!

I love to sleep.  Enough said 🙂

Don’t forget to link up with Farley for September’s Currently!
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