I’ve been working on some craftivities for President’s Day!  I made a little George Washington craft:

{Can you see his little white eyebrows?!}
And I also made Abraham Lincoln:
…with a little surprise under his hat:
{If I had Abraham Lincoln’s hat…}
I heard that good ol’ Abe liked to keep things hidden inside his hat, so I created a writing prompt for my students to include with this project {I’m sure I’m not the first to come up with this idea, haha}.  You could certainly omit that part of the project, if you wanted.

You can grab both of these pattern sets in my new President’s Day {Craftivities: Washington & Lincoln} packet on TpT.

I am waiting for my freebie license from Scrappin’ Doodles… when I get it, I have a President’s Day freebie for you!  Until then, I hope you enjoy my presidential patterns 🙂
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