For the last two weeks, my firsties and I have been learning ALL about the five senses!  Last year, I picked up a senses pack from Scholastic and the included books are just perfect for teaching this theme.

Each day, we read a new book and focused on that sense for the day.  We completed a bunch of fun activities for each sense, and before we knew it, we were pros!

Together, we created a few anchor charts.  We labeled the five senses, with help from Caitlin and her senses unit.

We brainstormed a list of things we can see, smell, hear, etc.  The kiddos used this anchor throughout the theme; it was especially helpful during writing activities.

We also sang and sang and sang a five senses song, courtesy of the lovely Cara.  Our class added hand motions and had a great time with it!


Throughout the unit we wrote in our journals, and practiced list making.

Love “slaled” hehe!

And we did a little opinion writing, too!

This little sweetie enjoys “quyit” and drew me saying “shhh” to the class, lol!

As a fun review of our unit, our class played a sorting game {from Caitlin’s pack}.  Everyone got a card and had to place it in the correct spot.

And last but not least, we completed our fun with a little Chit Chat.

My students practically fall over in their chairs for a chance to write on the Chit Chat!

Phew!  We sure did a lot… and that’s not even all!

Well, I am one exhausted teacher, so I’m about to take a little evening nap.  xoxo!


I’m linking up with Five for Friday!  Books, anchor charts, journal writing, a game, and a chit chat… five things from this week! 😉
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