Little Pilgrim Kids {a Craftivity}
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And, Valentine’s Day is THIS week! Wow! If you’re looking for some fun printables or a CUTE craftivity for your Love Day party, then you might be interested in the…
Yesterday, we had a great day! It was *finally* our 100th day of school!!! But before I get into that, I wanted to show you what I got from my super…
Fall is my favorite time of year! Cooler weather, pretty colors, apples & pumpkins… I love it all!! I’m going apple picking this Saturday with my hubby and another couple….
In my classroom, I like to keep students organized by color. My kiddos sit in groups of four, and each group is referred to as a color. For example, I…
We’re down to seven, friends!!! Seven more days of school! Here’s a little recap of my week, Five for Friday style 🙂 Today we had a cupcake party! You might…
I just planned on going to the craft store for some sparkly pom poms, I swear. Then I realized Target was nearby. I actually didn’t find anything in the dollar…