Hi all!  If you’re at all like me, then you have a.TON. of bulletin board supplies.
I’m talking letters in every color, shape, and size;
enough border to cover all the boards in the school;
more fadeless paper than you’ll ever need;
and BB sets, cutouts, and homemade decorations…
for every holiday & theme.  Ever.

Or is that just me? 😉
{And no, I never stop adding to my collection.}

Anywho, I’m going to show you how I keep it all organized!
It wasn’t free, but I love, love, love it all!

First up: all those letters and cutouts!
I use cute shoe boxes {pack of 5, Target} to organize
my letters and cutouts.  I popped one of those CTP Dots on Black labels
inside the boxes so I know which items are in each.

Inside the shoe boxes, the letters and cutouts are in labeled Ziploc baggies:
In this picture you can see some small purple letters…
they’re labeled– 3″ Purple Sparkle and they’re in the the sparkle/print letter box.
In the solid letter box you’ll find… solid color letters 🙂
In seasonal cutouts you’ll find hearts, shamrocks, etc.
In themed cutouts you’ll find frogs, crayons, etc.

I also have a set of blue shoe boxes.
Can you guess what’s inside?

Next up: bulletin board sets and decorations!
This is a “mini” storage bag that another teacher gave me.
It’s the perfect size for all of my calendar pieces!
I also keep small BB set pieces in here as well.

I bought these biiig BB storage bags from Carson Dellosa:
These bags are STUFFED.  I mean stuffed.  I’m going to buy more this summer.
In the left bag I keep posters, big BB sets, etc.
In the right bag, I keep all of my holiday/theme decorations.

Moving on:  border storage!
I currently have two of these life-savers, also from Carson Dellosa.
These, too, are STUFFED.  Also going to buy more this summer 😉
The above picture shows the bag unrolled… but here it is rolled up:

And last but not least: fadeless paper rolls!
I use one of those wrapping paper organizers.
I found it at Target during the holidays, but I’m sure Amazon has them!

Like I said, it wasn’t free to organize my goodies this way…
but what is these days?!
I don’t know what I’d do without these items, for real!
So if you’re a new teacher or a teacher who needs to reorganize…
I highly recommend this splurge!!! 🙂

Please leave me some love!!
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