Happy baseball season everybody!!!  I LOVE baseball & going to games whenever I can… it’s the only sport I can actually sit and watch, and I understand it completely.  Don’t hate me, but I am a *huge* Yankees fan!  Hey, I am from NJ!!  Anyways lol… here they are, my baseball buddies {a craftivity}!!!

{available on TpT and TN}

I included a boy *and* a girl in this pack, so all our little sweeties can enjoy this project!  I made these buddies a bit different than my previous buddies.  These little guys aren’t in uniform {pinstripes are kind of tricky!} but are holding a presh baseball instead.  The writing prompt is actually behind the baseball.
Sorry, it was hard to get a good pic!

I included three different writing prompts in this one: My favorite baseball team is; My favorite baseball player is; and My World Series Prediction {this last one is obvs for use in October}.  I also included writing space for younger and older kids.
If you’d like to make your own baseball buddies, head to my TpT and TN shops now!  First three to comment will get their copies free!! 😉
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