Hi, everyone!  Isn’t it the
happiest of Tuesdays? 🙂  If it’s even Tuesday… Summer will do that to
I’m stoppin’ in today to talk a
little more about my editable behavior calendars!  I realized when I blogged about
them, that I just showed you what the unit included, and didn’t go into detail about how you can use them!  Silly me!
On the first school day of every
month, I send home a fresh and {so clean} clean calendar in my kiddos’
take-home folders.  At the end of each day, it is each student’s job to
color in his/her calendar based on the day’s behavior.  This is what a blank, editable calendar looks like before you add in any details:
With the editable calendars, you can put text boxes over the days to mark field trips, days off, etc.  You can also type anything you want into the rectangle at the bottom, like behavior codes, your color coding system, or monthly reminders!

Here is a sample calendar that I edited for the month of July… which is obviously made up because I am happily enjoying summer vacay, and I ignored the 4th of July as a holiday, lol!
You can see that I added notes to the 9th, 19th, and 31st, so parents know of those special days.  I also separated the rectangle at the bottom into half monthly reminders, half behavior codes.  Like I said before, you can do whatever you want on your editable calendar!

This next sample is of a pretend student, so far for the month of July.  Please note that the colors are based off of my clip chart, which uses the following colors from top to bottom: pink, purple, blue, green, yellow, orange, red.  Anything below green {yellow, orange, red} is a clip down, and will receive a behavior code.
So if we were reading this chart,
my pretend child was good on the 1st and 2nd, made great choices on the 3rd, marked his/her absence on the 4th {probably because it’s a holiday?!}, received a warning on the 5th for not doing work, crossed off the weekends, did a good job on the 8th, and during the field trip on the 9th this pretend kiddo was fine!  I’d keep going, but I think you get the idea!!

At the end of the month, you can collect all behavior sheets and keep them in folders to refer to during conferences, etc.  I also use them to reward good behavior by giving a little prize to those kiddos who stayed on green or above {blue, purple, pink} all month!

The beauty of these calendars is you can make them to suit YOUR needs!!
I have English and Spanish versions, and they are *both* marked on sale for today only!!  Grab them at 20% off from my TpT shop!

If you’re looking for a place to keep your calendars, my girl Megan over at Mrs. Wheeler’s First Grade has a great solution!  She combines the regular take-home folder idea with a data binder as well… so all the info you and your students’ parents need is all in one place!
Here’s a little of what you’ll find in her pack:

  • Reading level growth
  • AR scores
  • Spelling scores
  • Math chapter tests
  • Times tests
  • Writing portfolio & rubrics
  • Reading logs
  • Parent communication log

  • If you want to learn more, check out her post about them here!  And you know what?!  Megan’s binder system is also on sale for today only!  Check it out!

    I’d love to hear about how you track behavior {and more!} in your classroom!  Leave me some love below!!

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