Everyone needs a break!
And although I might be on a week-long break already… hehe
I’m joining my sweet friend Reagan for a Hall Pass linky!!
The letters in “PASS” stand for the categories I’ll be chatting about!
Let’s get started, shall we? 🙂

 My favorite product right now has got to be my newbie, whimsical weather {craftivities, printables, & more!}  I am SO proud of how it turned out, and it’s my first BIG, all-inclusive unit!
It includes everything I need to teach my babies about weather!  I am pumped to start printing & laminating the various parts this week, so I can jump right into it when I get back to school next week!!
It’s hard to pick my favorite spot in the classroom… because I really do love my room!!  But if I had to choose, I’d narrow it down to two spots.  The first is my teacher nook:
I have a little alcove in my room where I created my space.  My computer is on the desk below the TV so I can just spin in my chair when I’m working on plans/grades, and most of the supplies I use daily are in my drawers, or those colorful bins.  I can also see everything from this spot, so when I do get to sit {which is not often, lol} I am still right in the center of what the kids are up to.

Speaking of the kids… my other favorite spot is the reading corner:
My kiddos LOVE to sit and read here!  I found the disc chairs and the chevron rug at Big Lots in the summer.  Surprisingly enough, my students never argue over the chairs.  They each take turns!  It’s nice to see that 🙂

I have quite a few signals that I use in my classroom.  One of my go-to signals is to clap: “clap – clap – clapclapclap” and my students repeat the pattern back to me.  Usually one time is enough, but sometimes I need to repeat it a second time before everyone is clapping with me.

Another thing I’ll say is “Let me see my Super Students!”  My littles know that Super Students sit with their feet on the floor, bottoms in their chairs, face forward, with their hands folded & lips closed.  As I see Super Students, I’ll call them out, “Oh wow, so-and-so is definitely a Super Student!”  Everyone wants to be named, so they all quickly get into form.

And last, I bought a bell from Pier 1:
Not only does it look fabulous, but it does the trick!  A little “ding ding ding!” from the bell and my kiddos are all looking & listening!

I’m lucky enough to work with two girls who have become my best friends.  When I need a sanity check I just go to them, and vice versa!  Lunchtime is also a great time to relax.  There are five or six of us who eat lunch together everyday, and it’s 40 minutes of laughter and fun! 

I also like to stay after school for a little while after I dismiss the kids.  It’s the ultimate quiet time!  You might think, why not just go home?!  Well, I like to clean up the day’s mess, so I can come back to an orderly classroom the next day.  I also like to get to the things I couldn’t {like filing papers or entering grades}.  This way I can start fresh each day… it makes me happy 🙂

That concludes my Hall Pass!  I hope you enjoyed it 🙂  To link up, or read more from other teachers, head to Reagan’s!!
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