I hope everyone had a very MERRY holiday!  I know I did 🙂  Among some of my favorite gifts– a leather jacket from my parents, and the iPhone 5 from my husband!

While my husband and I were shopping for my Christmas present {you can’t keep a secret from me!} I picked up a stylus for my iPad. It’s so much easier to make fonts with the stylus instead of my pointer finger, lol.  Last night I finally put the finishing touches on some fonts that I forgot about had in the works.  Here they are!  I hope you like them 🙂


Click {HERE} to check out these fonts {and 14 more!} in my TpT shop!  You can use these fonts on whatever you like {freebies, commercial items}… just give a link back to my blog!  I’d also love to know what you think!!

I’m off to change back into pajamas, make a hot cup of cocoa, and work on some new products {Valentine’s Day, anyone? hehe}.

Have a warm and cozy evening, my sweet friends!! 🙂
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