My little firsties officially have the dreaded spring fever!  I knew pretty much when we returned from break that we needed a change, something new and fun to keep everyone motivated.
I am usually a card flipper, but I decided that it focused too much on negative behavior, and not enough on good behavior.  I’ve always wanted to give the clip chart a try, but I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to keep up with it.  After talking with my Facebook friends and doing a little research, I realized I could do it!  Take a look at my new chart:
It’s done in bright chevron… my favorite!  This chart has seven levels.  Everyone starts on Ready to Learn, and kiddos can move up and down the chart all day long.  Super Student is the TOP of the chart, and Parent Contact is the very bottom {we don’t want to go there}!
I really want to encourage my kiddos to get to the top of the chart, so whenever students reach the Super Student level, they will earn a jewel on their clip.  When five jewels are earned, clips will be “retired” to the Hall of Fame.  A new clip will be issued, and the fun starts all over again!
I am always on my best behavior! πŸ˜‰
I got the idea to frame the Hall of Fame from First Grade Glitter and Giggles!

And for even MORE motivation… I am awarding tickets to those students who end the day on green, or somewhere UP the chart.
Here’s my ticket scale:  green = 1; blue = 2; purple = 3; pink = 4.  On Fridays, we will count up our tickets and visit my prize bins & binders to “buy” some goodies!

My babes will keep their earned tickets in these neat little pouches:
I went to Staples to buy something else and stumbled upon these on clearance… perfect!  AND they’re in my classroom colors!  To ensure that the pouches stay clean and in one piece, I am keeping them in bins {sorted by table… six tables = six bins}.
I still have to add student numbers to the pouches, but other than that, my new behavior plan is complete!  Of course, I had to share, and I turned my clip chart into a little pack for you!  It includes the posters to make the chart, the Hall of Fame poster, a note home to parents explaining the system, and clip chart minis that you can send home!
Check it out in my TpT shop!  Have a great night!!

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