First and foremost, I want to thank who supported my store during the big back to school sale!  I really, truly appreciate you!  I love to create things that you can use in your classrooms, and I hope you LOVE your purchases from me!!!

Personally, I couldn’t resist shopping the back to school sale!  I picked up a bunch of fun things.  You can click on the product pictures to take you to their shops!
I knew I had to have this, the second I saw it!  Can’t wait to make my own! 🙂  It’s the All About Your New Teacher! {Editable Book Kit} from Mrs. H.:

The Desk Fairy has always visited my classroom… but last year I *forgot* about her after her first visit!  Of course my kiddos asked where she was, so I told them she must be on vacation!  To help me remember this year, I bought The Desk Fairy {Complete Pack} by Rachelle:

Since I’m going back to first grade this year {YAY!}, I thought I could totally use Christina’s First Grade Treasure’s Weekly Spelling Packets:
AND Abby’s Fun With Firsties! {Back to School for First Grade}:
Of course, it’s always good to be prepared the first week of school!  To help, I picked up Hadar’s My First Day of School- A Keepsake Book:
plus Cara’s Saved by the Bell {First Week Survival Stash of Goodies}:

There you have it!  My B2S Buys!  What did YOU buy?  Any of the items above?  Something of mine?  hehe. Tell us all about it and link up with Blog Hoppin’s Sneak a Peek linky!!
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