Fall is upon us {and Halloween is just around the corner} and that means it’s time for a little teacher Trick & Treat action!

That’s right– Trick AND Treat!!  I’ve teamed up with my Freebielicious girls once again to share a teaching trick and special free treat!  Better than candy, right?!  At least… it’s better for the waistline 😉

First I will share my TRICK with you.  It’s nothing crazy and it’s not too fancy, but it WILL keep you from being trampled during line ups!

My kiddos love to line up on top of the classroom door.  To prevent this, I used to say, “Line up behind the black squares!” over and over. {See the funky Halloween floor pattern below.}  Most days my friends wouldn’t listen, and I’d be climbing over kids to get to the door.  Until one day, I stepped into a friend’s classroom and saw something like this:

Upon first glance, it’s just pink duct tape blocking off a rectangle of space by the classroom door.  But if you look closely, you’ll see that it’s actually a MAGIC rectangle, aka The Magic Box.  Kiddos can’t step into The Magic Box during line up… not without permission!  If a little one accidentally steps beyond the pink tape, another student will QUICKLY remind him/her that you cannot step into The Magic Box until the teacher says.  See?  Magic!

Now I have plenty of space to stand in the front of the line, lock the door, call the rest of the tables, pick a Secret Star, do jumping jacks, breakdance… whatever I want!

And now I will share my TREAT with you.  It’s a Roll and Color Witch printable!  It should do the trick and keep your little ones entertained for a minute or two 😉

This little witchy activity coordinates with my newest craft, Little Witch Kids!  It’s 20% off for the rest of the night if you’re looking for something fun to do this week!

Now hop along to the next blog for another Trick & Treat goodie!!

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