A Grinchy Freebie 🙂
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{Font by Miss Tina}
The Grinch pattern is very simple to make… here is an image I spotted on Pinterest that will help you {I substituted five white circles for the hat’s cuff}:
{Font by Miss Tina}
The Grinch pattern is very simple to make… here is an image I spotted on Pinterest that will help you {I substituted five white circles for the hat’s cuff}:
In honor of my husband and his love for football, I decided to make a little Super Bowl buddy! Use him to help your students predict the outcome of this…
Hi there! You may have noticed I haven’t blogged in just about a month… and that I’ve blogged less in general over the last nine months or so. But it’s…
As the night goes on, I’m feeling better and better. I decided to show you what I made my littles for Valentine’s Day! I had heart shaped sharpeners that I…
After three and a half years of teaching and crafting month after month, I’ve accumulated a lot of patterns… most of them my own, and some from the lovely bloggers…
Happy Sunday, sweet friends!!! I’m BEYOND excited {hence all the !!!}! Why??! I *finally* put together a reading center starter kit!!!! It’s been in my head ever since I made…
Hello my friends! I hope everyone had a happy and safe July 4th! I’m linking up with two fab linkies today! I’m a little late for both, but hey! It’s…
In honor of my husband and his love for football, I decided to make a little Super Bowl buddy! Use him to help your students predict the outcome of this…
Hi there! You may have noticed I haven’t blogged in just about a month… and that I’ve blogged less in general over the last nine months or so. But it’s…
As the night goes on, I’m feeling better and better. I decided to show you what I made my littles for Valentine’s Day! I had heart shaped sharpeners that I…
After three and a half years of teaching and crafting month after month, I’ve accumulated a lot of patterns… most of them my own, and some from the lovely bloggers…
Happy Sunday, sweet friends!!! I’m BEYOND excited {hence all the !!!}! Why??! I *finally* put together a reading center starter kit!!!! It’s been in my head ever since I made…
Hello my friends! I hope everyone had a happy and safe July 4th! I’m linking up with two fab linkies today! I’m a little late for both, but hey! It’s…
In honor of my husband and his love for football, I decided to make a little Super Bowl buddy! Use him to help your students predict the outcome of this…
Hi there! You may have noticed I haven’t blogged in just about a month… and that I’ve blogged less in general over the last nine months or so. But it’s…
As the night goes on, I’m feeling better and better. I decided to show you what I made my littles for Valentine’s Day! I had heart shaped sharpeners that I…
After three and a half years of teaching and crafting month after month, I’ve accumulated a lot of patterns… most of them my own, and some from the lovely bloggers…
Happy Sunday, sweet friends!!! I’m BEYOND excited {hence all the !!!}! Why??! I *finally* put together a reading center starter kit!!!! It’s been in my head ever since I made…
Hello my friends! I hope everyone had a happy and safe July 4th! I’m linking up with two fab linkies today! I’m a little late for both, but hey! It’s…