After one of my pals threw a “Grinch Day” last Friday, I knew I had to have one, too!  I immediately started planning, and realized I had too many ideas to squeeze into one day… so I started today!!
I found an adorable Grinch craft idea at The First Grade Parade {and Cara found it here} so I recreated the pattern to use in my classroom.  I also had my kiddos complete a writing prompt.  Now our hallway has been “Grinched!”  Below are a couple examples from our display!

To make the Grinch grin I would…
…invite him to a tea party and tickle him.
A tea party?!  That makes me giggle!
…like to give him my cupcake and tell him funny jokes.
Forget the Grinch, I’ll take the cupcake!!  hehe 🙂

Some of my littles didn’t get a chance to finish today, but I thought these were particularly adorable Grinches:
They can finish up tomorrow!

If you’re planning a Grinch Day and would like a copy of the writing prompt, you can grab it for free {HERE}.

{Font by Miss Tina}

The Grinch pattern is very simple to make… here is an image I spotted on Pinterest that will help you {I substituted five white circles for the hat’s cuff}:

I have more Grinchy activities in store for my kiddos this week… stay tuned! 🙂

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