Printable writing topic cards for elementary grades. Includes more than 100 prompts across 11 categories.

Teachers! Download these writing topic cards for elementary grades. They come with more than 100 prompts across 11 categories to inspire your emerging writers.

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“But teacher, I don’t know what to write about!”

How many times a day do you hear that?!  For me, at least 23 times… which also happens to be the same number of students in my class. It can certainly make any writing period frustrating for both me and my littles. So I knew I had to come up with something!

Download these writing topic cards for elementary grades - perfect for writing centers!

Writing Topic Cards For Elementary

I started thinking about how to make our writing periods easier and without the frustration. Then the lightbulb went off… writing topic cards!  With word banks!  Once I got started, I just couldn’t stop. I created over 100 topic cards across 11 categories:

  • myself, 
  • people, 
  • places, 
  • animals, 
  • snacks, 
  • sports, 
  • travel/transportation, 
  • holidays, 
  • make-believe, 
  • school, 
  • and seasons & weather.

Supplies You’ll Need 

You’ll need just a few things to assemble these fabulous topic cards:

How to Assemble the Writing Topic Cards

Assembling the topic cards is easy!

  1. Print your topic cards on plain cardstock. 
  2. Cut each card out, making sure to cut around the topic tabs.
  3. Laminate each card (optional, but doing so will help them last a lot longer!)
  4. Punch holes at the template circles.
  5. Group cards by topic with the card that has the topic tab on top. 
  6. Attach binder rings.

Here’s a look at one of the topics under the “Seasons & Weather” category. This should give you a good idea of how the card deck should look after assembly. 

A look at one of the topics under the “Seasons & Weather” category. Each topic card includes a mini word bank and a coordinating picture to keep those pencils moving!

I designed the cards so that they could be easily organized on binder rings. I included tiny circles in the template so when you punch, the holes will all be even!  The category title cards also have little tabs so you can quickly flip around.  ALL of the cards fit on jumbo binder rings {as seen in the photos above}, but if you want to make smaller sets…

Organize your writing topic cards on binder rings for easy viewing and storage.

…just separate them on mini binder rings!  I snipped off the tabs for the individual sets, but you could certainly leave them on!  A pencil organizer tray (basket) is a great way to store all the topic cards. Here’s another look at six of the sets in my writing center:

Storage option for writing topic cards - a great solution for writing centers!

What are Writing Prompts?

Writing prompts are an extremely valuable tool that teachers can use to help students release their creativity. Giving guidance and direction helps motivate reluctant writers by providing them with the inspiration they need to get started. Sometimes, just getting started can be the hardest part!

How to Use the Writing Topic Cards

If they pick a different card each day, my firsties can write about something NEW for over 100 DAYS!  What?!!  So far, my kiddos are *LOVING* it… and so am I!!!!

Take a look at the "Sports" topic for my writing topic cards.

I’ve posted pics of my writing center before, but here’s another one featuring these writing topic cards!

A peek at my elementary writing center and how I store my writing topic cards.

Of course, I had to share the love with my fellow teachers! I bundled all of the cards together in one set for your classroom!  Writing Topic Cards {PLUS Vocab}!

You can learn even more about this set by downloading the preview from my TpT shop!  I hope you LOVE, love, love this pack as much as I do!!!

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